Brewer and sons farm

Our Twenty five acre farm is located in south central Ohio, in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. The village of Bainbridge, home of the festival of leaves, every October. The farm is mainly hardwood forest, with about three acres of cleared unfenced pasture and five pasture woodland mixed. A small orchard with apairy and a small stocked pond.

Homegrown Poultry

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Please foward any comments and request to the above address as well

Support local farmers and arm yourself with knowledge

I would ask for everyone to get to know and support a local farmer. You have the right and responsibility to know what you are serving your family at meal time. Or even better dig up your backyard for some tomato plants onions and cucumbers to supplement you food bill.
Build yourself a chicken tractor for your backyard and get a couple of hens for your own eggs you do not need a rooster. In fact my wife says they are the perfect pet she can let them out in are fenced back yard and they never leave and if you leave the door to the pen they put themselves up at night. Ask your self this Question the next time you are in the supermarket
" how can they ship a ripe melon from South America and it not spoil? or a tomato anything for that matter. If you buy local not only are you getting a a fresher better tasting tomato, you are reducing your carbon foot print. just think of all the petroleum it took to get a melon from Guatemala. Learn to preserve any excess . There is not a better filling in the world at night when you lay down than knowing you have a cupboard full of canned green beans and tomato sauce of a freezer full of Brewer and sons pastured chicken.