Brewer and sons farm

Our Twenty five acre farm is located in south central Ohio, in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. The village of Bainbridge, home of the festival of leaves, every October. The farm is mainly hardwood forest, with about three acres of cleared unfenced pasture and five pasture woodland mixed. A small orchard with apairy and a small stocked pond.

Homegrown Poultry

If you would like a order form, please Email request to
Please foward any comments and request to the above address as well

Seek and you shall find

Knowledge is a wonderful and dangerous. And the government and the big food corporations are afraid you will find out the truth. But you must search for the answer's and weary of any group that does a study. First ask yourself who paid for the study? And who did it and why. I would recommend some reading for anyone interested in food. Books , Holy cows and Heavenly hogs by Joel Salatin or just about anything he has written will open your eye's.Movies, Food inc as well
as King corn.
The information in these couple of movies and books will open your eye's as the direct correlation
in the dramatic rise in our country's health. But you have the power if you are willing to use it.
Attend a farmers market or a local bee keepers meeting .
Patronize a local you pick apple orchard or strawberry patch , pick extra and freeze for winter use.
Read the labels of everything you purchase and learn what those chemicals are, just type in you web search engine.